


A flashback

What is a bacteriophage and how do we research it?

What is a bacteriophage and how do we research it? Michèle and Felisita (Erasmus MC Rotterdam) wrote a blog for Viruskenner!  Researching bacteriophages at the Erasmus MC Many of us know that bacteria can cause diseases in humans, but do you know that bacteria can get sick too? Just like [...]

February 4th, 2020|

Update Wuhan Coronavirus

The Wuhan virus is in the daily news and the spread is still continuing. Various countries, including the Netherlands, give people the opportunity to be evacuated. Read the full article of The Guardian here.

February 1st, 2020|

Kick-offs in Suriname!

This week where the kick-offs of Viruskenner in Suriname! High schools Arthur Alex Hoogendoorn and the Nassy Brouwer College and primary school Prinses Amalia have made a flying start. And how! Viruskenner coaches gave masterclasses and explained the participants everything about the project. In the upcoming period, all schools [...]

February 1st, 2020|

New mysterious virus active in and outside China

The BBC wrote this week about this new virus: A tourist in Thailand has become the first person outside China diagnosed with a new, pneumonia-like virus that has already infected dozens of people. The woman was quarantined after landing in Bangkok from Wuhan, eastern China, where the outbreak began in [...]

January 15th, 2020|

Kick-off in Italy!

Today the Viruskenner kick-off took place in Italy! A large room was filled with students from the Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Buonarroti in Trento. They learned the ins and outs about viruses and how to protect yourself and others. Over the next two months they will work in teams on [...]

January 10th, 2020|

Questions during the project?

The Viruskenner website   At the Viruskenner website you can find news, blogs, information about previous editions and the Learning materials with specific information about viruses and transmission routes. In addition, there is a forum for high school students. Viruskenner coaches are there for you to answer questions about viruses and [...]

January 8th, 2020|

Article Peter Piot in Scientific American

Recently a fun scientific blog was published that fits in very well with Viruskenner and which we would like to share with you. It is an English blog by Peter Piot (the Belgian microbiologist who co-discovered ebola, was head of UNAIDS and is now director of the London School of [...]

January 6th, 2020|

New Viruskenner website live!

Two highlights at the start of 2020 The new Viruskenner website is live and Viruskenner edition 2020 is almost kicking off! In January will be the kick-offs at primary schools and high schools in Italy and Suriname. In The Netherlands the teachers and professors will get their Teacher's Day, where [...]

January 2nd, 2020|

Risks rodent borne diseases in Paris

The Paris city council has set up a special campaign. The inhabitants have to go on a rat hunt. Literally. Among other things, they are obliged to use rat poison and set rat traps. If they refuse, they can get a fine of 450 euros. The French capital is struggling [...]

May 15th, 2019|

Blog coach Carolien | Measles

Natural measles infection whips-out your immunological memory A four-fold increase in number of measles cases was reported in Europe in 2017 and was largely due to people refusing to be vaccinated ( Measles symptoms include runny nose, cough, high fever, watery eyes, small white spots on inside of the cheeks [...]

January 6th, 2019|

Viruskenner in Trento

Viruskenner goes to Italy! In the previous editions Viruskenner has been active in four countries: Surinam, Indonesia, Senegal and The Netherlands. This year Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Buonarroti-Pozzo in Trento, Italy will also join the project. We are very much looking forward to working together in the Viruskenner project and a [...]

January 6th, 2019|

Blog Eric van Gorp | Viruskenner 2019

A new year, a new edition Knowledge as an antidote This year around 1500 students in Suriname, Indonesia, Italy and the Netherlands will participate in and join the Viruskenner community. November 13, 2018 was the kick off of the Dutch edition in the Erasmus MC. The upcoming months the kick [...]

December 17th, 2018|

World Polio Day #Endpolio

Today is World Polio Day According to World Health Organization: ‘Thanks to two safe, effective vaccines, cases of polio have fallen by 99% since the 1980s. Find out why both vaccines have a role to play to end polio for every child, everywhere. Vaccines Work!’

October 24th, 2018|

Teaser HIV Next Gen

Looking back on a beautiful first edition of HIV Next Gen in Amsterdam! Enjoy the fresh teaser.  

August 19th, 2018|

HIV Next Gen 2018 is a WRAP!

HIV Next Gen 2018 is a WRAP!  Looking back on a super exciting 3 day event, with great speakers, theatre and above all beautiful, inspiring participants from all corners of the world!  Thank you all! HIV Next Gen is related to the international AIDS conference AIDS 2018.

July 28th, 2018|
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