All your questions and comments can be posted in the forum. Our experts will do their best to answer your questions. You can also discuss your specific subject / transmission route here with teams from other schools. Are you not participating in the official Viruskenner project? Then take a look around and collect useful information!
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The progression of corona or COVID-19 requires appropriate action, worldwide. We are all involved. The pandemic indicates how current project Viruskenner is and how important it is to spread your knowledge. We know the first basic measures that were prescribed: wash your hands regularly with soap and water, cough and sneeze in the inside of your elbow, use tissue paper once, don’t shake hands, stay home if you get complaints, stay 1.5 meters apart from each other. Share your questions with the Virus Expert coaches and discuss relevant topics about corona with other participants. Good luck!
- 7
- 3 years, 10 months ago
Airborne viruses
Some of the most common viruses, like the flu, travel through the air. There are two ways viruses can travel through the air. The first is by sneezing, coughing or dropping mucus from our nose. When you are infected with an airborne virus, the virus can travel along with the droplets of fluid you cough, sneeze or drop out. The other way for airborne viruses to spread, is when they float in a cluster or fog of really small droplets. Learn everything about airborne viruses. In this forum, you can ask the experts all your questions and discuss topics with other students.
- 6
- 3 years, 10 months ago
Bloodborne viruses
One of the most well known viruses is transmitted through blood: HIV. When you have unsafe sexual contact, HIV or other blood-borne viruses can be transmitted through blood, semen or vaginal fluid. But there are other ways for these viruses to spread. Viruses like HIV can also be transmitted during a blood transfusion or when you are injected with the same needle that was used on someone who is infected. Learn everything there is to know about bloodborne viruses. Share you questions with the experts and discuss topics with other students. Good luck!
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- 3 years, 10 months ago
Food- and waterborne viruses
Everyday we need clean food and water to stay alive and healthy. Unfortunately, not everywhere in the world can food and water be stored or prepared safely. In warm environments food and drinking water can turn bad very quickly, giving viruses the change to spread. In many cases we ourselves are the cause of food- and waterborne virus infections. These viruses are located in our gut - they come out with our poop. When you don’t wash your hands properly after going to the bathroom, you risk infecting yourself when you bring your hands in contact with your mouth. Or you transmit the virus to someone else when you shake their hands for instance or come in contact with food. Ask questions and discuss interesting topics about this transmission type in this forum!
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- 3 years, 11 months ago
Product design
Learn everything about Product Design! In this forum, you can ask the experts all your questions and discuss topics with other students.
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Viruses that spread through mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are not only very annoying when you try to fall asleep, they can also cause many virus infections. By biting and ingesting the blood of an infected person, a mosquito becomes a carrier of a virus. The virus develops inside the mosquito and ends up in its saliva glands. As soon as this happens, the mosquito can spread the virus to other people it bites. Learn more about this type of transmission. Share you questions with the experts of Viruskenner and discuss relevant topics with other students.
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- 5 years ago
Viruses that spread through rodents
Rodents are a way for viruses to enter your home - many rodents can carry viruses with them. The rodents themselves however, don’t get sick from these. They carry the virus with them for their whole life. Like every animal, rodents excrete urine, feces and saliva. Because viruses aren’t very picky, they tag along with those droppings. This means, that everywhere rodents come, they can leave their excrements. These excrements dry in and in this process, virus-containing aerosols are created. Inhaling these aerosols is what causes an infection. Discover everything there is to know about this type of transmission. Ask the experts your questions and discuss relevant topics with other students. Good luck!
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- 3 years, 10 months ago