Who we are

At Viruskenner we feel a common responsibility to find ways to prevent new viruses to pop up and spread.

More about us

The spread of viruses is not restricted in time, place and person. Virus outbreaks can pop up every time, all over the world and every world citizen can be at risk. At Viruskenner we feel a common responsibility to find ways to prevent new viruses to pop up and spread.

Understanding the dynamic world of viruses is a challenge. Youngsters from different schools and countries on various continents are involved in creating innovative solutions against the spread of viruses. Students with different interests, backgrounds and skills work together during the project.

This is the  Viruskenner program, initiated and developed by the Cirion Foundation. Partners involved are schools, education organisations and the Viroscience department from the Erasmus University.

Our mission

Viruskenner is established in 2009. We want to facilitate as many young people as possible to be involved in the Viruskenner program. The next generation to be teached about the societal relevance of infectious diseases and challenge them to use their skills to collaborate in creating innovative solutions. The goal we strive for is “a world in control”.

Viruskenner wants to be a household name in youth communication on the topic of controlling and controlling infectious diseases.

Meet the coaches

Do you want to know who the coaches are this year? You can find them using the link below. You will meet your coach when he/she visits your school or through a video message that he/she will send your school. During the final day your coach is there to support you and to cheer you on. During the project, you can always send them an e-mail.

The E-learning

We made a special page for you, where you can find useful information about the virus subjects that are being investigated by your teams. On this page you will also find the pre-test (which you need to fill in before the official start of the project) and the post-test (which we need you to fill in after the Final Day). Furthermore, you can discuss relevant questions, statements and problems with coaches and other students by using the Forum.

So we advice you to visit the E-learning page regularly, because it will give you much needed information.

Our ambassadors 

Curious about what our ambassadors would like to tell you?

Watch their videos via the button below!