


A flashback

World Polio Day #Endpolio

Today is World Polio Day According to World Health Organization: ‘Thanks to two safe, effective vaccines, cases of polio have fallen by 99% since the 1980s. Find out why both vaccines have a role to play to end polio for every child, everywhere. Vaccines Work!’

October 24th, 2018|

Teaser HIV Next Gen

Looking back on a beautiful first edition of HIV Next Gen in Amsterdam! Enjoy the fresh teaser.  

August 19th, 2018|

HIV Next Gen 2018 is a WRAP!

HIV Next Gen 2018 is a WRAP!  Looking back on a super exciting 3 day event, with great speakers, theatre and above all beautiful, inspiring participants from all corners of the world!  Thank you all! HIV Next Gen is related to the international AIDS conference AIDS 2018.

July 28th, 2018|

HIV Next Gen 1 day left!

SEE YOU THERE ?️   YEAH! Tomorrow we will kick off: HIV Next Gen! Looking forward to an exciting 3 day event in Hotel Casa Amsterdam with inspring talks of beautiful change makers, cool activities in Amsterdam and meeting everyone who signed up from all corners of the world!

July 21st, 2018|

HIV Next Gen this summer in Amsterdam | Be there!

A very special, inspirational, fun occasion   Are you between the ages of 15-21 and passionate about contributing to the global fight to end HIV/AIDS? Join HIV Next Generation, a FREE workshop designed for the next generation of leaders in health care, research, policy, program management, activism and advocacy surrounding HIV. [...]

June 14th, 2018|

New blog coach Carolien: The recent Ebola outbreak

The recent Ebola outbreak asks for creative solutions   As a virus-fighter I follow the news about the recent Ebola outbreak in Congo with special interest, since I was involved in training specialized research teams to fight the previous Ebola outbreak in West-Africa in 2014. This was the most widespread [...]

May 28th, 2018|

Blog: Viruskenner Finals in Indonesia!

This month, at April 16, the Viruskenner final day at high school SMA 16 in Surabaya was organised by the international Viruskenner team.  Around 300 Indonesian students learned how viruses spread and may lead to infection and disease, shared knowledge with each other and devised ways to disseminate that knowledge. [...]

April 21st, 2018|

New blog coach Carolien from Australia!

A true virus-fighter thinks outside the box   When you start a new job you always meet new people, that is where I met Samantha Grimley, a Postdoctoral researcher at the Peter Doherty Institute in Melbourne. Samantha studies the HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. I asked her if she [...]

March 20th, 2018|

Norovirus Sidelines Security Staff at Pyeongchang Olympics

Olympic officials are scrambling to contain an outbreak of the norovirus that has sickened dozens of security guards days ahead of the official kickoff of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games. Around 1,200 security staff members have been kept in their rooms while they wait to be tested for the highly [...]

February 7th, 2018|

Kick-offs Viruskenner in Suriname!

Viruskenner kicked off at primary and secondary schools in Suriname! After the kick-off of the 64 schools in The Netherlands and the start this week at SMA Negeri in Indonesia, it was time for the start of Viruskenner in Suriname. Coaches Prof. Eric, Roos and Valéry gave information about the [...]

January 27th, 2018|

Kick-off Viruskenner Indonesia 2018 in the newspapers!

Kick-off Viruskenner Viruskenner Indonesia kicked off this week at SMA Negeri 16 in Surabaya! 300 enthusiastic students, their teachers, doctors of RSUD Dr. Soetomo and 3 Viruskenner coaches from Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands where there! Viruskenner in the newspapers The newspapers Bhirawa Paper and Jawa Pos publicated articles [...]

January 26th, 2018|

Blog Eric van Gorp: Why Viruskenner?

Why Viruskenner? Infectious diseases, old and new, can suddenly appear and cause an outbreak (epidemic or pandemic). Important examples are Ebola, Chikungunya, Zika and Yellow fever virus. Unfortunately, we do not yet have treatment for most new virus infections and developing a vaccine takes time. The slogan 'prevention is better [...]

January 23rd, 2018|

Blog coach Carolien: Dutch television & scientific adventure Australia

Hi virus-fighters! My name is Carolien van de Sandt, a researcher from the Viroscience department of the ErasmusMC and a Planet Virus coach for the last couple of years. This year I will start a new adventure in Melbourne (Australia) where I will study how our immune system develops over [...]

January 17th, 2018|

Viruskenner 2017 Kick-Off in Indonesia

Yesterday was the day all students of SMA16 and the Viruskenner-Team looked so much forward to: the day that the Kick-Off of Viruskenner 2017 finally took place in Surabaya, Indonesia with all classes from X-MIA- classes. But not only the students and Viruskenner-team were there, many of the teachers and [...]

February 9th, 2017|

What does the Viruskenner team do more?

Are you wondering what the Viruskenner team of the Viroscience department in the Erasmus Medical Center does more, except organising Viruskenner? The Erasmus Magazine had an interview with Professor van Gorp. Read his story here!

July 19th, 2016|
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