A flashback
Final Day Viruskenner 2016 in Surabaya
May 23rd, the Final Day of Viruskenner 2016 in Surabaya, Indonesia, took place. This second year of the Viruskenner project at SMAN (high school) 16 was another success, with loads of information about the viruses and some outstanding movies. In the last eight weeks, students worked together on one of [...]
Viruskenner kick-off in Indonesia!
Today, the 23rd of March, Viruskenner 2016 started in Indonesia! With an interesting program including speakers from Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya as well as from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam we introduced the current 10th grade students from high school SMA Negeri 16 in the field of viruses. [...]
Preparation of the kick-off in Surabaya
Yesterday the Viruskenner team arrived in Indonesia! Today they visited the high school, SMAN 16, to prepare the kick-off later this week. Wesley and Laura visited all 10th grade science classes to introduce the students in the project. This year 5 residents from the Internal Medicine Department from Dr Soetomo [...]
Viral infection prevention movies from Indonesia
It has been a while ago, but these movies are really worth seeing! The students from SMAN 16 in Surabaya created these movies. On the 30th of July they presented them to the jury, their peer students and some Dutchies from the Viruskenner team. But we would really like to [...]
Let’s look back together over a great Viruskenner year!
No words needed, enjoy the Viruskenner 2015 compilation video!
Exciting final day in Indonesia!
It was a beautiful day! Today, the 30th of July, the final day of Viruskenner 2015 in Indonesia took place. 350 students from the tenth grade of senior high school 16 in Surabaya worked for 3 months on the project. And the results were amazing. From all ten classes, that [...]
Sickness comes on horseback, but departs on foot
“Sickness comes on horseback, but departs on foot” is an old Dutch saying what is so true for neurological infectious diseases. Most of the times you are healthy one day and you have a life treathening illness the next day. That was the case with the older lady I saw [...]
Winners Viruskenner 2015 in the Netherlands
After 9 weeks of hard work, last wednesday was decided which groups were the Viruskenners 2015! Six schools have competed with each other from the beginning to the end and the best group per school presented their prevention tool for a specific virus on the Final Day. Johannes Fontanus College [...]
Even veterinarians can get ill
For this blog, I would like to continue on the topic that Wesley de Jong started in his last blog on the 30th of April 'Medical doctors become sick as well' and would like to add that apparently even veterinarians get ill. So it seems that no one is spared [...]
After movie kick-off Indonesia
The photos where already published, when we were still busy editing the movie... But now it is online too! Check this movie of the kick off of the Viruskenner project 2015 at SMA Negeri 16 in Surabaya, Indonesia. Enjoy!
Dengue and Chikungunya in Our Backyard
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a public health grand round about chikungunya and dengue, two viruses that are spread by the tiger mosquito. This mosquito is also able to transmit other viruses, that are not involved in Viruskenner 2015, but can cause terrible diseases too. Yellow fever [...]
Fight against chikungunya
Last weeks were quite turbulent. After a great start of the Viruskenner project 2015 in the Erasmus Medical Center, I first flew to Surabaya, in Indonesië, to start the project over there as well. Back from Surabaya I flew almost directly to beautiful Suriname for the last participating country in [...]
Medical doctors become sick as well
I must say, I’m a happy person: I’m able to combine one of my hobbies with some of my daily work; travel to distant countries and being coach of Viruskenner Surabaya, Indonesia. As you might have read on our website, we have just got back from a short adventure in [...]
Start of the project in Indonesia!
Viruskenner has started with a wonderful kick-off on wednesday the 22nd of april! 350 pupils and the board and teachers of the secondary school SMA Negeri 16 in Surabaya were present. After all the students had filled in the questionnaire, dr. Purwati opened the kick-off. With a great 'Selamat pagi!' and [...]
Kick-off for secondary school students in the Netherlands
Wednesday the 15th of april Planet Virus 2015 has started in the Netherlands. All participating secondary students visited the Erasmus University in Rotterdam to listen to talks of young scientists. For example about 'The life of a researcher' and 'A search for new viruses'. The kick-off was exciting for the [...]