‘follow me’ for an impression of the VIROSCIENCE department
The Viruskenner edition 2021 edition is starting soon. Follow me [...]
The Viruskenner edition 2021 edition is starting soon. Follow me [...]
December 1st the international Viruskenner/ EU-Erasmus program started with . [...]
Two years ago LenS photography and the Cirion / [...]
The winners of Viruskenner 2020 have been announced! It was [...]
Our weekly update of the Corona news worldwide 11 - [...]
Our weekly update of the Corona news worldwide 27 April [...]
Our weekly update of the Corona news worldwide 20-26 April [...]
Our weekly update of the Corona news wordwide 6-12 April [...]
Our weekly update of the Corona news wordwide 30 March [...]
Yesterday was the Viruskenner masterclass in Rotterdam. Viruskenner participants [...]